They are in fact particularly good dogs to have around. Very smart as well. The Supernatural 15 Years Anniversary Signature Vintage Shirt house dog. Ours is now and can run like a greyhound still. We have Australia Labradoodles and know at least 4 others. All lovely friendly, happy and most of all healthy dogs. I do agree that some breeders are pushing it too far crossing every possible bread with a poodle. He's saying its rubbish that they are crazy or carry poor genetics that causes bad health. I know you guys know this but just love to argue with someone I’ve never come across a bad-natured one or one with health problems, beautiful dogs and would love to have one day.

The amount of weird and wonderful names for mongrels and all it has done is driven the price of dogs sky high. In saying that, Labradoodles are lovely looking dogs and there are some beautiful cross breeds Leave aside all comments good and bad. The real issue is that most Cockapoos and Doodle varieties many other crossbreeds, in Ireland, come from our vast array of unregulated Puppy Farms and are bred for Profit, Not for dog welfare, etc.
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