Would you like me to show you what they are doing in Greenland right now they are setting up companies in Greenland which is a huge glacier and drilling for oil and natural resources up in Greenland at the Baby Jack Skellington And Pennywise IT Clown Friends Halloween Dallas Cowboys Football Fans Shirt percent of Greenland is yet they are telling you the glaciers are melting but setting up companies to rinse Greenland of its resources like Europe has done all over the world. You want to listen to 16-year-old girls and the united nations so be it but if you like it or not the planet and the way we live is changing on many levels and they are creating a new world order under your noses.

I'm one step in front of the u.n. if people want to listen about the global government for the planet. Its hurts me how this planet is changing and they cant be truthful about it in a world that's gone crazy from politics to climate anyone that says this is not normal is shot down No one can say I'm conspiracy theorist if people open their eyes especially politically in the u.k. and America right now and see that's not normal surely you can see all this meeting up at one stage in time climate.
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