Why is it when a woman finally speaks out after rape lots are quick to not believe her but when a man was raped as a child by a priest and never mentions it everybody believes him. I swear these women don’t want to join the Friends Horror Characters Chibi Shirt and make their own money; instead, they claim they were raped when they knew exactly what they were doing with these men just to get lump sums of money and book deals. If you're mocking/blaming a person for being sexually assaulted as a child it's because there is something deeply wrong with you. You're showing the world that you have zero compassion and honestly, you're just not a good person. So, let me get this straight. If you accuse a Republican, you're telling the truth. But if you're accusing a Democrat or a leftist you're a liar. Hmm. Strange. I think all the other girls are telling the truth, but this one just doesn't seem to be telling the truth she is bringing in his girlfriend because he's dead so now she is blaming the girlfriend forgot her name, and blaming Prince Edwards too.

The Royal family is not Lilly white! Take a good look at their ancestors. Kings and queens chopping off heads like their preparing for some bowling tournament. I definitely believe her accusation. You can't be dancing when you're Seventeen so you must have lied to get the job and what you got asked to work was a little bit more than you thought of. In case everybody has forgotten there was a woman accusing Trump raping her twice on an airplane in the early-mid 90s while she was 13 building up to come public but when trump won she disappeared. Who do you think she alleged owned this plane might you ask. Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein like Trump is being investigated by the FBI. Epstein attempts suicide in Federal custody. One week later order from high up orders his suicide watch be removed one week after a suicide attempt. Then 3 minutes after the announcement Conald Chump is on Twitter screaming blame Bill and Hillary.
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