After that ban was removed. The reality is court has found him not guilty. And yes we are very very much proud of ours. Even I think he should be given Nobel prize for reforms in India and solving Kashmir problem and ending Islamic terrorism in India. How can u call a democratic leader authorities one The Disney Cats make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt is u hate him without any point. By the way, we will vote him, again and again, let's talk about British politics and Brexit shall we And stop looking on the other side when anything from Pakistan comes up, report the truth with equal cheer one more thing, you are answerable to us.

British Indians for humiliating our country of origin deliberately and repetitively as we still have to pay for licenses which goes to They destroyed our culture. Till dates, both countries are facing problems. there were so many problems no toilet then what the British were doing for years. We moved on and now India is immersing like it was before destroyed It is not about my country, I am telling before and telling about both pak and India how British looted us. Our p.m was a tea seller now He is a p.m in republic India.
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