Angie Paessler that’s poor breeders who do that. Most good decent breeders have top quality dogs and puppies. Angie Paessler definitely not you are sadly misinformed. Ask around and you will see those good breeders have waiting lists for their puppies. And they don’t need to advertise because word of mouth ensures that their dogs go to people who want them for the Meat Loaf 52th anniversary 1968-2020 signature shirt reasons. Angie Paessler absolutely agrees. I personally thing overbred breeds such as pugs should be banned as they are pretty much guaranteed to have health problems at some point in their life.

I just don’t think it’s fair on them Two of my rescue pedigree dogs made it into their twenties. Yes, they had health problems - age-related. Angie - I hope you informed on your relatives - did you manage to rescue their dogs All the Labradoodles I've met are adorable and sweet. But dude, Cockapoos are terrifying. My mom had a particularly deranged one that actually once landed me in the during its illustrious career of being batshit crazy.
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