This award to Midijee is for their Big efforts towards cleanliness in the country, before him nobody takes any serious efforts towards cleanliness..which directly affecting the health issues. Those are negative thoughts about the Cats And Knitting Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Shirt not appreciated. Why has it sparked controversy Because some people think it's ok to give meaningless awards to authoritarian leaders who imprison, silence, and torture people and others think it's ok.

There that's the controversy in a nutshell. Modi was banned by very to enter its Land because his name being in extremists list. Are you proud of electing a terrorist as your Tina Klink with respect don't open your mouth when you know nothing about the issue Modi is great man and has made a huge difference in cleanliness and health He was never banned in all states of except few. He was banned bcoz some unnecessary people and opposition alleged him of small riots happened in.
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