There nothing wrong with a Labradoodles the problem is some bad owners and puppy farming and neither problem is unique to designer dogs. I think they used to be called mongrels. Have a doodle and they are great with special needs children as they are very trainable, loving and cuddly. She is a bit mad but as long as she gets a good run every day she's brilliant. I used to have a rescue dog but not as trainable if needed for therapy dogs. I'd be more concerned about the Diet Clorox all over print shirt of health testing in any breed/crossbreed and the breeding for 'rare' colors such as merles and dilutes that carry real, and potentially serious, health issues.

Then you have the trend of breeding dogs with flatter faces, pinched nostrils, short legs, long backs, excess skin etc, that cause a lifetime of misery and medical problems. Bad breeding isn't limited to those that crossbreed - it covers pretty much every single breed out there. I think his regret lies not with having created the labradoodle, rather it lies with having opened the floodgates for people to cross random breeds and then charge extortionate sums for them.
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