For the umpteenth time this morning a reporter pressed a Labour spokesperson on why Labour will not agree to or force a general election. For the umpteenth time an explanation was given and given again, and again within the same interview. It has been clearly stated dozens of times in dozens of interviews that the Darth Maul and Elsa Fusion Dance Night King Ok shirt for Labour and other opposition parties is to stop them leaving the no deal. But the crashing out with no deal is something that will be risked if a general election is called - therefore labour do not want an election now. Clear and simple and easy to understand. Of course, it suits Johnson and his government to portray this as Labour being scared of a general election which they are entitled to do in their desperation, but it is not the job of the to help the government push that particular view which is what they do every time they repeat the same question. Please stop, it is pathetic journalism' that serves to favour the government over the opposition parties.

Thankfully our system works to keep fascism from taking over our democracy. Fascism has been creeping in since when formed. It is a slow process where people are manipulated with twisted truths and that's what all this Islamaphobia is and then people are convinced falsehoods about what democracy is when in reality the views are fascist views. This is exactly how Hitler came to power and the tactics he used and why so many germans became fascist when they hadn't before, then when he had taken over democracy he could invade the rest of Europe. Hitler was a narcissist and Farage and johnson are narcissists, enough said.
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