What fone did you use to comment here Yet you cant build a simple toilet for yourself Get it what fone did you use to comment here Yet you cant build a simple toilet for yourself Get it done yourself or complete it yourself. Help yourself n don't wait for others. Yesterday I've donated my cellphone watch and wallet to a poor guy. You Can't imagine the 60 Years of Cowboys 1960 2019 signature shirt that I felt as I saw him putting his gun back in his pocket. Hope I donate for toilets as well one yourself or complete it yourself. Help yourself n don't wait for others.

So-called International media your country is responsible for all the problems between India and Pakistan. Your British army ruined our culture, heritage and our people. Your divide and rule policies create such gaps that till date both countries are fighting. You looted both the countries and still your journalism doing the same what your country did with us. England is responsible fully for all problems in India. If the country not separated not much a problem. A big mistake to separate Pakistan and make Punjab people lose their territory.
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