Such a liaison, is entirely possible I have a one called Charlie sat next to me at the moment lovely dog good-natured good with all the grandchild of any age he does like socks and water but no trouble at all hey are puppy farmed too. No health tests. Unscrupulous Breeders just breeding for money not the health of the 22 Emmitt Smith Running Back Dallas Cowboys 1990-2002 Hall Of Fame Signature Shirt, I’ve heard of one breeder spaying or neutering tiny pups unless you agree to let them breed off it. They are nice dogs it’s a shame about the humans.

I meet a labradoodle on my dog walks, he is so lovely and happy then there are my two terriers with huge chips on their little shoulders. Salomon why do you have to emphasize the dog is good with kids. That implies you have thought at some point there is a risk that it could be a danger to them. Anthony Lewis isn't there always a worry with dogs that they might clash with children some breeds mixes are better than others because it's a wild animal.
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