We read about this in our local Fort Wayne paper. Stop sending them dogs and let them blow themselves up. They don't deserve these animals or our generosity. Program closed. Love fried chicken. Love donuts. I also love cheeseburgers. Love chocolate. I don't want them together. Curt Senka Chicken goes with sweet things. It’s probably pretty good. Not good for you but neither is cake. Curt Senka not from for sure. There is a gourmet made to order donut shop in Austin called Gourdough's Public House that has one called the A Woman Cannot Survive On Wine Alone She Also Needs Golf Shirt Clucker that’s pretty amazing. First the Cheetos chicken sandwich, now this mess. This tells me that has no interest in helping to keep its consumers healthy.

While everyone else is moving in the direction of healthier options they are moving in the opposite direction. They also need to find a new marketing and advertising team because none of this sounds appealing. Sometimes it's better to keep it simple. People just want good food, not gimmicks. It's actually amazing. Not a new concept. Just need to add coleslaw and have it be spicy chicken. Okay, everyone. One is not going to kill you. If you eat multiple of these maybe. But let people be happy and make decisions for themselves. So much hate in this thread. KFC is not out to kill people. They are out to make a fast buck. Honestly, what is the difference between this and chicken and waffles?
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