A normal dog that likes a good run and chases a ball/stick is the perfect family dog. I read it as now people are creating all sorts of new breeds by crossing anything with a cute sounding name. Not that there was an issue with labradoodlesYeah everyone here is doing the Slayer 38th Anniversary Signatures Shirt thing and completely missing an opportunity for a real discussion. I have two labradoodle and both are happy healthy lovely dogs. I have had several dogs and my labradoodle have been the easiest dogs by far. But I have was careful where I got them as pups from and that came from reputable breeders.

Never ever regretted my labradoodle - he's been the perfect dog for our family and a very loyal companion and super healthy compared to our last dog who was a purebred lab and had arthritis and heart problems at the age my dog is now - he is super active showing no signs of any health issues - has the combination of lab kind heart and sensitivity of a poodle - amazing combo My miniature labradoodle Saffy would disagree.
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