What's wrong with that. Scientists are just rumor mongers funded by the government to feed the public with lies. They are number one in destroying mother We need to stop using fossil fuels and move to green energy in the IT Pennywise Nike Just Do It Shirt 5 years, otherwise our whole world could collapse in front of our eyes because of the Climate Crisis I can't believe the level of ignorance and downright stupidity of the some of the comments on here. Greta has more brains in her pinkie than some of you have in your whole body. Half of one of the canary islands is going to collapse too causing a world tsunami. Probably blame climate on that too.

Scientists playing at being God/Mother Nature along with their fund giving governments and big businesses are to blame not a person that burns a bag of coal to stay warm. Tyrannical regimes brainwash children into thinking they will die unless the government takes control and limits freedoms. Propagandize a child so that any criticism will be seen as an attack on the child and not the agenda.
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