I am absolutely amazed at all of the victim shaming going on here. An abuser can look like anyone, including a prince! All of the keyboard warriors that are blaming the victim are the reason why so many victims keep quiet. When you choose a particular lifestyle, you must be ready to cope with your comrades in such a lifestyle. When you live your teenage life partying with the rich, abuse won't be too much to expect. The Power 2014 2019 6 Seasons 50 Episodes Signature Shirt one of the Queen's children who's been in a scandal. Guess the Queen was wrong about her son. No such thing as a perfect Royal. This is the beginning of the story Soon. Very soon, you will be forced to wake up. Also, what about believing all women and those of you saying it was so long ago, did you say the same about Stormy Daniels. Read the article. It doesn’t sound like there was any “force” applied at all.

I’m sure Prince Andrew had options. He did not have to “force” a woman to do anything. People assume that just because someone is famous or attractive and can have anyone they want, that they cant possibly sexually assault someone. Sexual assault isn't about sex, it's about force, control, power, taking something someone isn't giving you. Emma Walker No baby it’s the law all people are innocent until proven guilty that is the bedrock of the justice system just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she can’t lie. Gerald Thomas anyone can lie. I'm just saying that in general, the claim that someone famous or attractive wouldn't have to force themselves on anyone is bogus because that is not what sexual assault is about. Smith, obviously you have no clue what it’s like to be sex trafficked as a young girl.
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