They are everyone’s best friend tho. But of all the doodles I've known have health issues, mostly digestive like I know a beagle and cocker mix, a labradoodle and a cockerpoo all are healthy dogs brought from farms and are lovely dogs. One owned by one of the Legend Of Green Bay Packers Shirt carers because my nan couldn't look after her anymore, one owned by my neighbor and other by a local priest. I personally have a dog whose mum was a Shih and dad was a Lhasa Apso cross miniature poodle she a brilliant dog my best friend.

There nothing wrong with a Labradoodles the problem is some bad owners and puppy farming and neither problem is unique to designer dogs. I think they used to be called mongrels. Have a doodle and they are great with special needs children as they are very trainable, loving and cuddly. She is a bit mad but as long as she gets a good run every day she's brilliant.
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