How many young kids did it take to support all of this operation over the years? What happened to them? Had to be a lot of kids to satisfy who knows on a custom outfitted, private Boeing that picked up wealthy clients all over the world for hours of fun on the Lolita Express.to keeping young kids for those that wish a more secluded getaway on a tiny private island in the ocean with nothing but boat or helicopter in or out. Orgy Island, I think they called it. Where are the ones that became rebellious? The In a world full of Grinches be a Cindy lou who shirt that were of no more use than one time to some clients? Were these kids taken to a foster shelter? Sold off or just disposed of, after being molested by a movie star or a. Maybe this is just a smokescreen for real atrocities we may never know about. All this hate for a born and break American president and crickets for tawdry foreign nationals. There is no doubt about where today's liberal loyalties lie. The new way of becoming a millionaire overnight. The club of I'm the weaker sex. Alone with a few tears. Instant millionaire. When will this madness end? Some women are just plain alright lying. Why were the parents letting these kids run around as if they were grown, women?

Seventeen you should have been home with mom and dad. I think all the other girls are telling the truth, but this one just doesn't seem to be telling the truth she is bringing in his girlfriend because he's dead so now she is blaming the girlfriend forgot her name, and blaming Prince Edwards too. If you're mocking blaming a person for being sexually assaulted as a child it's because there is something deeply wrong with you. You're showing the world that you have zero compassion and honestly, you're just not a good person. I swear these women don’t want to join the workforce and make their own money; instead, they claim they were raped when they knew exactly what they were doing with these men just to get lump sums of money and book deals. Why is it when a woman finally speaks out after rape lots are quick to not believe her but when a man was raped as a child by a priest and never mentions it everybody believes him.
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