My Cockapoo is a very good boy though. We can even let him out in the yard without a fence and he won't run away. I'm a groomer, and while they may be sweet on the floor, on the table is a different matter. Unfortunately, everyone wants a long, shaggy doodle but they don't realize the Captain Spaulding tutti fucking fruity shirt is more work than a standard poodle due to the fact that there is no standard in texture. You may get an easy wire haired one, or you get super-soft, heavy shedder that knots up if there's an ounce of humidity in the air.

Then, I have to brush the knots out when it would be easier, and more humane to shave because God forbid the dog gets shaved and I have to deal with a biting, snarling demon for 3 hours. Cockapoos can be hit or miss. There's actually something called rage syndrome that cocker spaniels are prone to and since cockerpoo breeders arent looking into genetics.
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