The Monstera Deliciosa is slightly more challenging to care for than the Snake or Pothos, but still relatively easy. They require indirect light, enjoy high humidity and well-drained soil, and appreciate a spritz of water on their aerial roots. Water once a week during warmer months and every two weeks during colder months. There’s no need to go from zero to an indoor jungle. Before you break the Straight Outta Quarantine Bartender 2020 Shirt bank trying to imitate a Pinterest photo, see what you can manage. “Start with ones that cost between 9 and dollars, because it’s a plant, it’s going to grow, says Greene. Remember that more plants don’t always mean more satisfaction.
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It’s important to know that effective plant relationships are about the quality of care, not the number of plants, says Cutsumpas. Overwatering is the number one way people kill their houseplants. “You have to practice restraint! A good rule of thumb is never water a wet plant,” says Blank.
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