You're in charge and
kids need you to be in charge. Kids need you to be there for them. They don't
need to be there for you. I'm sorry, but he's. He doesn't know anything about
surviving in the real world yet. By the Pineapple Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy Beer Shirt time he is he has seen enough change to
know how to adapt. Teach him how to be a decent human being at this point and
worry about the big stuff later when it becomes relevant. All these comments
about you don't tell him anything is how ignorant humans can be. He is 4 you
teach him what a 4-year-old child deserves to know.
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Why he doesn't go to
nursery why he doesn't go to the park to play and why he doesnt visit the
doctor, when he hurts himself, are just challenges that we put ourselves. You
tell him the truth but try to explain that it's not necessarily dangerous in
terms of if you step outside you die.
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