In Australia, day self-isolation began on the of March. This was altered to enforced quarantine. Passengers are picked up in the airport and transported to hotels that’s they cannot leave for days. This strict quarantine applies to those who have been given an exception to travel interstate. In addition, Western Australia has banned intra-state travel. I understand London is a hub but air travel has drastically reduced, therefore less people to deal with. March, you still need logistics set up to cope with what would have been huge demand and wasn’t in a position to do that which may have influenced the My Cats And I Talk Shit About You Shirt decision not to.
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In hindsight, the right thing would have been a global travel ban other than repatriation travel for a short period and then enforcing quarantine would have been easier with lesser numbers. However I’m sure it’s not as simple as that hence why some have and some haven’t along with timing that type of attitude is shocking.
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