I believe there needs to be an independent inquiry and, if
China has nothing to hide, they wouldn’t object to it which is exactly what the
article is about. It is inconceivable
that the cause of this global catastrophe would not be investigated and
identified. If China opposes this necessity then they should have consequences
applied to them. Also should be examined and held to account if found
delinquent of their responsibilities They import very little and we rely
heavily on them for The Devil Whispered In My Ear And I Whispered 6 Feet Back Motherfucker Coronavirus Shirt production of pretty much everything in what way was
the delinquent of their duties. They informed the world every step of the way.
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The world did not lessen it’s a nice thought but even homemade stuff has most
of the compound, ya made in China. it’s sad but we have made ourselves reliant
on them the economy doesn’t work like that though.. it costs more to produce it
at home and the product will be more expensive so less are sold and
realistically the governments need to answer why the protocols were ha does so
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