The answer to moving
forward is closed borders, quarantine & distancing. These actions are now
allowing schools to open, larger groups to socialise, elective surgeries to
recommence. Of course the global pandemic continues and as such, closed borders
& quarantine will continue. However, the intrusive rules of lockdown are
being lifted. New Zealand did what was asked of them. The majority of British
people can’t even stick to a partial lockdown that’s why we have problems.
People were bleating about their holidays even when they knew the Once Upon A Time There Was A Girl Who Really Loved Paw Dogs And Wine It’s Was Me The End Star Shirt virus was
around in the very countries they were going to
agree but a whole lot easier to shut down borders and to a lesser extent
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London is a major transit hub for Europe and globally so shutting down
while probably the right thing to do is a harder decision. I’m also unsure how
quarantining people could have been policed other than through goodwill and
we’ve seen how that has gone trying to lockdown generally.
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