It will be too late, stay strong and keep yourself busy
don't surrender to you feelings I got my eldest cat, Fawn, when I was off work
as I started medicinal treatment for my depression. I'm assuming I am what they
call high-functioning, i hold down a job and pay bills and have a social life.
All such a wonderful mask. Putting that mask down was hard, even now I still
wear it occasionally to get through the hardest days. Fawn doesn't care about
the Cat Fuck Coronavirus Don’t Cough On Me Shirt mask, she doesn't care if I don't want to speak for hours at a time, she
doesn't care if I keep odd hours.
Cat Fuck Coronavirus Don’t Cough On Me Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.

What she does is remind me that there is this
fluffy being who relies on me for food and care. She knows when I'm feeling off
and will be a lot more nosey and cuddly, kind of saying 'I'm here, you're not
alone'. When I'm well she's a little toerag.
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