All my cats had it. Two of them didn’t move off my bed for 4
days and wouldn’t go out. Which was really unlike them. The oldest cat we had
to take to vet and put on iv fluids for two days and strong antibiotics. She
then fully recovered. I think they can pick it up from us but can’t pass to
humans. I swear my poor kitty might have passed from this years ago. She had a
horrible respiratory infection of some kind. I really wish that these headlines
were more mindful of the 9 Of 10 Voices In My Head Tell Me I’m Crazy One Just Hums Shirt fact that right now people are abandoning their pets
out of fear. We can not get the virus that causes covid-19 from our pet cats or
9 Of 10 Voices In My Head Tell Me I’m Crazy One Just Hums Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.

Keep your pets safe like the way you keep yourself safe. It’s not right
if you keep yourself inside and let your pets run wild. If they get sick, take
them to a vet. Don’t endanger them by dumping them on the street.
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