Now they forbid leaving home against the constitution, give fines against the law, everything they do is against the law and the constitution. And in a month we are going to send voting cards. Sick government. A terrible political party. Polish postal service can't deliver a postcard in weeks and now they expect to hold elections by postal voting. Not to mention we're in a state of pandemic and there are other priorities. Going ahead with the Nipsey Hussle And Kobe Bryant Forever Shirt election is playing with the safety of Polish citizens. These right-wing politicians will turn the world into a mass grave! Too self-centered to be trusted with leadership.
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You should try living in Wisconsin right now was yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled that Gov. Tony Evers Democrat cannot postpone election as he had tried. Our election is going on right now. I really don't know about Poland but this is really absurd and serious..they only want power and don't care about people's health.
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