People have very short memories though. Most people are furloughed
max what makes these prats special that they can dictate their terms football
going down the pan It’s a sorry state of affairs when you’re having to rely on
pressuring sportsmen into donating a percentage of their wage to fund a service
the April Girls 2020 The One Where They Were Quarantined I Celebrate My Birthday In Shirt government can’t be bothered to fund properly themselves, isn’t it There’s
a lot of blood on the Tory party’s hands. The has massively misread the room by
adopting an anti-Taiwanese stance rather than reporting on what is actually
happening in Taiwan. It's still not too late for someone to step up and share
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The world something that is actually happening and is saving thousands of
lives and which in a few years time may be perceived as genuinely historic.
Take a look at this article and it will give you an idea of feelings on the
ground from the foreign community here in Taiwan, and also a sense of how well
Taiwan has done in battling this terrible pandemic.
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