It’s really wrong but
it happens all over all the time. They take them to the hospital and leave to
grab something out of the Pug I Hate Morning Shirt car and never come back. I work in a care home with
the elderly I have not experienced this but this is a very sad story, how could
they just dump them omg sorry for those poor people of course everyone has
their own views and experiences I don’t
know how they do it. I couldn’t imagine doing it myself by it does happen and
it sucks. Thank for doing what you do though.
Pug I Hate Morning Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.

And you idiots were the last
country in the world to start quarantining people coming in from foreign
countries at airports, dont be ragging on us
Nursing homes all over America are not great places. Staff is constantly
having their hours cut to save money. If people sit in their urine soaked
diapers for hours, the management doesn't care.
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