So powerful after all. but look at those countries that have
had so few cases and deaths - South Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand they got the
information the same time as the rest of the world. Taiwan took initial action
on January for example. Everycountry in the world is telling lie according to
you only china is telling truth which is completely lie. China is worst country
in the Rambo All He Wanted Was A Haircut Shirt world trying to capture lands of different countries like hong kong,
taiwan, Vietnam , india, tibet. Unfortunately we’re beyond acting in a timely
fashion now, but the responsible parties definitely need to accept
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Other countries aren’t in the same mess. The is in a mess
because it lacks clear and appropriate leadership and action, and structurally
& culturally is poorly positioned to do what arguably is needed to tackle
this better. The US situation is entirely down to the US, not other
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