Chinas actions led to the virus spreading in the first
place. The is trying everything it can to deflect blame for that fact. I'm not
from the and I'm not siding with anyone but for me, I think the biggest culprit
here is not Trump but China for even letting its people traveling around when
they were the only one that know about the Never Underestimate An Old Man Who Is Also A Dj Sun Shirt ongoing outbreak of mysterious
disease. Brendon Delorme China's actions lead to them containing the virus.
Less than one hundred thousand cases, less than five thousand deaths. They had
zero warning of the outbreak. If you actually follow news and politics, it was.
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China who called out first, by saying military bought in the virus during a
sport event, to deflect responsibility. But clearly you don't know how all
these started. Jay Todd I'll say this once. Pelosi et al didn't have the
classified daily intel about the virus that he had which he chose not to read.
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