Americans simply have a different value system to Europeans.
We respect freedom of speech and expression, as long as you aren't hurting
anyone. amazing the push back that people are giving this comment. The same
people that probably criticize America any chance they get don’t think we
should have the right to burn the I Cant Stay Home I’m A Healthcare Worker We Fight Until We Win Shirt flag. Probably because they do realize it’s a
freedom we enjoy that they don’t. What if i burn the flag in the though I bet
people will be passing by and give me the thumbs up since I'm just expressing
my opinion. And that's pretty American.
I Cant Stay Home I’m A Healthcare Worker We Fight Until We Win Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.
You’re okay with burning disrespecting
the physical representation of your freedom. Your argument has two sides to it.
Just makes me question if you truly value what it stands for when you destroy
it. I agree. Although I deplore flag burning, the right to do so should not be
taken away just because I dislike it.
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