Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 5, 2020

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 General are confirmed by the Senate and appointed to specific terms. They’re independent investigators, so it looks really bad when you remove one before their term is up and without reason, let alone when you remove a bunch of them.  Apparently a Trump troll. Or perhaps just missed out on the high school civics class about how our government works. The British always know more about American politics than Americans. Probably due to the guidance of the Cow Let Me Vheck My Giveashitometer Nope Nothing Shirt monarchy and having no problems if their own. My government has been usurped by a criminal cabal. This administration is a disgrace to our once fine nation and to the world. 

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Unfortunately our archaic electoral system allows a minority of people to elect such ineptitude. Most Americans know the POtuS is corrupt. We have dealt with his tantrums, anger, and adolescent behavior for three years. It has shown us much about our friends, family, and neighbors and sewn discord. 

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