Prague mid-March and is a student in halls at Bristol. He
was immediately isolated to his room with very strict hygiene measures at home
for the next week and isolation for us all for weeks . As well as aches and
pains, sore throat blocked sinuses, headache, nausea, dizziness, lethargy. Do
they not count lol , bloody pathetic these so-called medical experts are and
the Camouflage Heart Flag T-shirt America Shirt Veteran T Shirt Patriotic Shirts Camo Flag Shirt media just as bad A personal friend whose husband contracted it, said he
didn’t have any of the symptoms. People are getting too blasé about it all now
and I suspect things will get worse before they get better.
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Towards Christmas
time a lot of people started getting sick and put it down to normal flu or cold
due to winter. I myself got ill really bad chest fever etc. Went to doctors
they said was a viral infection and couldn't prescribe anti biotics and it
would run it's course.
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