Yesterday but still it was an amazing effort and I wouldn't
put it past him going heavier sometime this year and at a competition which
would shut up all the A Woman Cannot Survive Alone She Needs A Pig Shirt doubters if you go youtube some of the other Strongmen
discuss this issue even if Magnus Magnuson was there as judge. If Tyson Fury
beat Mike Tyson in a home gym it would never be considered an official win, has
to be in an official location. I love Eddie as much as the next person, but
let's be honest here.
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Thor was impressive! He could have done I reckon, he
lifted that pretty easily And it was done under competitive conditions,
everything weighed and independent judges. Thor is more naturally built for it
though, Eddie had to put his body under so much strain to do the. Had a brain
aneurysm and heartbeat went up to afterward.
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