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When we want to keep pieces from our wardrobe, we often veer toward a what if scenario, convincing ourselves that we will one day wear the I don’t always stop and look at airplanes oh wait yes I do shirt but in fact I love this garment in question. For example Well, what if I go to this animal-themed party and I could wear this wild pair of Roberto Cavalli zebra-striped pants There will be no animal-themed party If you can’t remember the last time you wore something, there is no foreseeable future for it.
It’s not that self-isolation has led you to speak to inanimate objectslike Tom Hanks’s character and Wilson the I don’t always stop and look at airplanes oh wait yes I do shirt but in fact I love this ball in Cast Awaybut rather, speaking to yourself aloud is a good way to coach yourself through parting with pieces. Think of it as another person with you, like a third all-seeing eye that will help you sort through your wardrobe.Most places to donate or sell things have temporarily closed. Nonetheless, these clothes should be out of sight and out of mind. Separate pieces into piles such as sell and donate. Box them up and neatly store them. When the time comes, these clothes will go to a better place.
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