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Don’t try to go through the Horse show grandma clean the boots hold the horse write the horse write the check shirt besides I will buy this whole closet in one day. I promise it will never work, and you will end up discouraged. Instead, start with one section. This can be the tiniest section too Hell, go through your underwear drawer and sift out all of those granny panties that reach your belly button. Personally, I recommend going with the part of your closet that is the most visible first. For me, that was a pile of sweaters. Once you get that done, everything else becomes easier.
Whenever I shrink someone’s closet, I ask them when the Horse show grandma clean the boots hold the horse write the horse write the check shirt besides I will buy this last time they wore a piece was. I give them a -day limit, and if they haven’t worn it in days, it’s time to say goodbye. Of course, I take seasons into consideration It wouldn’t be kosher to part with a winter piece in summer, because obviously the person hasn’t worn it in days. Use your best judgement here. When I started going through my pieces, I asked myself truthfully when I had last worn a piece. If it didn’t make the -day cut, I put it in the part with pile. I had to be unforgiving and harsh with thisno one else was here to set down the rules. I had to go with my gut feeling.
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