Thứ Bảy, 12 tháng 10, 2019

Bart Simpson writing Wu Tang Clan aint nithin to fick with shirt

Buy it: Bart Simpson writing Wu Tang Clan aint nithin to fick with shirt

Bart Simpson writing Wu Tang Clan aint nithin to fick with shirt

 Retired detective Louis Scarcella is a disgrace to the entire police force. I listen to wrongfully convicted by Jason Flom, and every case involving Scarcella makes my stomach turn on how someone can just do something so malicious and go home and sleep like he did nothing wrong.  Dougan, honestly it’s not only the Bart Simpson writing Wu Tang Clan aint nithin to fick with shirt who are crooked is also the District Attorney office who prosecuted the case without further investigation. The justice system in America doesn’t hold anyone accountable for their actions.

Bart Simpson writing Wu Tang Clan aint nithin to fick with shirt

Nesto Valdi And the fact the system backs such officers even though there’s evidence of wrongdoing The system is complicit who is ever held accountable for what these men go through no one’s not all money world can give him.

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