There are almost as many such stories as there are Ukrainians. I launched a Telegram channel inviting Ukrainians to share their war experiences. Every personal story is the 2022 Pokemon World Championships Shirt Apart from…,I will love this history of our country. The destruction of Ukrainian cities and towns has been horrific. Was there an early attack that struck you as indicative of how far Putin and the Russian army were willing to go Was it the attack on the maternity hospital in Mariupol Was there a line that you felt was crossed early on The line you are talking about was crossed on the first daythe first Russia then as now has lied when it has said it is targeting only military sites. In fact, on February th their attacks killed a civilian gas service dispatcher named Svetlana, in Chuguev, who was simply doing her job. That was the first day In the following days we lost children. They died from shell fragments in their hometowns. We have lost more than children.
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