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finally got the machine cost refunded but they wouldn't cover the damage done
by the fire. Fortunately, we were awake and turned the machine off as soon as we
saw the Gnomes Walmart Cocaine Santa Let It Snow Christmas Shirt smoke dread to think what would've happened had we not noticed it so
quickly. It would be helpful if they
offered some reassurance to the owners of washer dryers no mention of them on the recall, however, a previous one was replaced for smoking and now this We bought Hotpoint as it’s
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The washers and dryers have both been recalled and we have a
combo and are supposed to be reassured it’s not been recalled I've had catch fire in the past both Hotpoint but gotta
say whirlpools response was they came
out straight away, assessed and change old for new both times. This has been
the case for about with their driers.
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