Bethany Smith what a brilliant teacher! I remember being 16 years old and telling my male teacher that I needed to go to the toilet during class. He said I can’t and had to wait until the end of the class. I said I needed to go and stood up. He told me to sit down or I would get a detention. I had to tell him that I needed to go or I would bleed all over the seat in earshot of the Washington Nationals 2019 World Series Champions Signatures shirt class and walk out. I still can’t believe that he would try to stop a teenage girl from going to the toilet mid-lesson and threatening me with detention. Bethany Smith thank you, my father, and well, my brothers by learned behavior had a tendency to be real asshats when it came to women and anything female related. My brothers kind of got better but never my father. Bethany Smith yea but nowadays even if a man agrees with something just because he is a man he'll get hated on by women. I have had teachers give me a sweater to wrap around because we didn't use uniforms. Told me to go to lost and. Found and borrow clothes that were left there and never picked up.

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